
Oh hello there!

The name is Lynn and I’m a proud Penang-nite who has been an interior designer for the past 6 years I would say. I loved interior design since I was 9. How? SIMS. Yes.Funny as it is, I pursued it full force and was proud to run my very own company, Dexign Studio by the age of 24.

Sad to say, I was working crazy hours slaving away for my own job and I soon saw the ugly truth behind “following your passion”. To make it short, it takes way more than just hard work and dedication. In this current bad economy situation where living cost is continuously getting higher and market is getting more competitive, it is simply just not the way to be.

In 2016, a very good friend of mine convinced me that I have more potential than just being behind the computer for hours or be stuck in a construction site, dealing with contractors during crazy hours and that I was going no where. It all begin when he started sharing with me about how we live in an era where you no longer use hard work to earn money. But instead, using money to earn more money.

I will keep it short here. I might perhaps write a blog entry about how I actually started my journey of investments.

For now, join my adventures and sharing about my journey in investments and exploring more into the world of new business trends!

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